Android Synchronization Fences – An Introduction
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In any system that employs the exchange of buffers betweenindependent buffer Producers and buffer Consumers, there is a need for a policyto control buffer life times (allocation/deallocation) and a policy to controlthe access to the buffer memory (read/write). A third entity, the buffer Allocator, is in charge of providing accessto the system memory and implementing the buffer life time maintenance (a“dead” buffer cannot be accessed by any entity except the Allocator, while a“live” buffer may be used by entities other than the Allocator).  The “C” language malloc/free system calls arean example of an Allocator.  In a way,the buffer life time control policy is really another form of buffer access control.The buffer access control policy determines if either theProducer or the Consumer can access the buffer in a mutually exclusive manner.
The Android Fence abstraction is a mechanism that implementsa particular buffer access control policy, and does not deal with bufferlifetime control (allocation/deallocation). It allows for situations where there is a 1:1 relationship betweenProducer:Consumer and a 1:many relationship between Producer:Consumers.  Fences are external to buffers (i.e. they arenot part of the buffer structure) and synchronize the exchange of bufferownership (access control) between Producer and Consumer(s) or vice versa. 
It is of particular importance to understand that insituations where Android mandates the use of Fences, it is not sufficient for aConsumer to have a pointer to buffer memory - even when it is explicitlyprovided by the Producer.  The Fence mustalso permit the Consumer to access the buffer memory, for either read or writeaccess, depending on the situation.

Timelines, Synchronization Points and Fences

To fully understand the Android fences, beyond its use inthe Camera subsystem, you need to get familiar with Timelines andSynchronization Points.  The kerneldocumentation (linux/kernel/Documentation/sync.txt) provides the only source ofinformation on these concepts that I could find, and instead of rephrasing thisdocumentation, I bring it here in full:
In complicated DMA pipelines such as graphics (multimedia,camera, gpu, display)
a consumer of a buffer needs to know when the producer hasfinished producing
it.  Likewise theproducer needs to know when the consumer is finished with the
buffer so it can reuse it. A particular buffer may be consumed by multiple consumers which willretain the buffer for different amounts of time.  In addition, a consumer may consume multiplebuffers atomically.
The sync framework adds an API which allowssynchronization between the
producers and consumers in a generic way while also allowingplatforms which
have shared hardware synchronization primitives to exploitthem.
                *provide a generic API for expressing synchronization dependencies
                *allow drivers to exploit hardware synchronization between hardware
                *provide a userspace API that allows a compositor to manage
                *provide rich telemetry data to allow debugging slowdowns and stalls of
                   the graphics pipeline.
A sync_timeline is an abstract monotonically increasingcounter. In general, each driver/hardware block context will have one ofthese.  They can be backed by theappropriate hardware or rely on the generic sw_sync implementation.
Timelines are only ever created through their specificimplementations
(i.e. sw_sync.)
A sync_pt is an abstract value which marks a point on async_timeline. Sync_pts have a single timeline parent.  They have 3 states: active, signaled, anderror.
They start in active state and transition, once, to eithersignaled (when the timeline counter advances beyond the sync_pt’s value) orerror state.
Sync_fences are the primary primitives used by drivers tocoordinate synchronization of their buffers. They  which may or may not have the same timeline parent.  A sync_pt can only exist in one fence and thefence's list of sync_pts is immutable once created.  Fences can be waited on synchronously orasynchronously.  Two fences can also bemerged to create a third fence containing a copy of the two fencesג€™ sync_pts.  Fences are backedby file descriptors to allow userspace to coordinate the display pipeline dependencies.
A driver implementing sync support should have a worksubmission function which:
     * takes a fenceargument specifying when to begin work
     *asynchronously queues that work to kick off when the fence is signaled 
     * returns a fence to indicate when its workwill be done.
     *signals the returned fence once the work is completed.
Consider an imaginary display driver that has thefollowing API:
 * assumes buf isready to be displayed.
 * blocks until thebuffer is on screen.
    voiddisplay_buffer(struct dma_buf *buf);
The new API will become:
 * will display buf when fence is signaled.
 *returns immediately with a fence that will signal when buf
 * isno longer displayed.
struct sync_fence* display_buffer(struct dma_buf *buf,
                                 structsync_fence *fence);
The relationships between theobjects described above is depicted in the diagram below.

Android Fence Implementation Details 

User-space code can choose between a C++ fence implementation(using the Fence class) and a C code library implementation.  The C++ implementation is just a lean wrapperaround the sync C library code, and the C library does little more than invokeioctl system calls on a kernel device implementing the synchronization API.
The Android kernel includes the ‘sync’ module, also known asthe synchronization framework, which implements the Timeline, Fence, andSynchronization Point infrastructure. This module can be leveraged by hardware device drivers which choose toimplement the synchronization API. 
The kernel also includes a software timeline device driver (/dev/sync)which implements a software based timeline that does not reference a specifichardware module.  The SW timeline devicedriver uses the kernel’s Synchronization framework.

Understanding the Synchronization API

The first step in using the Synchronization API inuser-space is creating a timeline handle (file descriptor).  The sample call flow below shows how theuserspace C library creates a handle to an instance of the generic softwaretimeline (sw_sync) using function sw_sync_timeline_create.
After the timeline is created, the user can use arbitrarilyincrease the timeline counter (sw_sync_timeline_inc) or create fence handles(sw_sync_fence_create).  Eachfence initially contains one synchronization points on the timeline. 
If the user needs two or more synchronization pointsattached to a fence, he creates more fences and then merges them together (sync_merge).
//Create a generic sw_sync timeline
intsw_timelime = sw_sync_timeline_create();
//Create two fences on the sw_sync timeline; at sync points 2 and 5
intsw_fence1 = sw_sync_fence_create(sw_timeline, "fence1", 2);
intsw_fence2 = sw_sync_fence_create(sw_timeline, "fence2", 5);
//Merge sw_fence1 and sw_fence2 to create a single fence containing
//the two sync points
intsw_fence3 = ("fence3", sw_fence1, sw_fence2);


The kernel Synchronization API (for in-kernel modules) issimilar, but synchronization points need to be created explicitly:
//Create a generic sw_sync timeline
structsync_timeline* timeline = sw_sync_timeline_create(“some_name”);
//Create a sync_pt
structsync_pt *pt = sw_sync_pt_create(sfb->timeline, sfb->timeline_max);
//Create a fence attached to a sync_pt
structsync_fence *fence = sync_fence_create("some_other_name", pt);
//Attach a file descriptor to the fence
intfd = get_unused_fd()

Using Fences for Synchronization

Recall that the timeline abstraction represents amonotonically increasing counter, and synchronization points represent specificfuture values of this counter (points on the timeline).  How a timeline increases (its clock rate, soto say) is timeline specific.  A GPU, forexample, may use an internal counter interrupt to increase its timelinecounter.  The generic sw_sync timeline ismanually increased by the Synchronization API client when it invokes sw_sync_timeline_inc.  The meaning of the synchronization point valuesand the method of how two synchronization points are compared to one anotherare timeline specific.  The sw_syncdevice models simple points on a line.   Whenever the Synchronization framework isnotified of timeline counter increase, it tests if the counter reached (orpassed) the timeline value of existing synchronization points on the timeline andtriggers wake-up events on the relevant fences.
Userspace clients of the Synchronization framework that wantto be notified (signaled) about fence state change use the sync_wait API.  Kernel clients of theSynchronization framework have a similar API, but also have an API forasynchronous fence state change notification (via callback registration).
When userspace closes a valid sync_timeline handle, theSynchronization framework checks if it needs to signal any active fences whichhave synchronization points on that timeline. Closing a fence handle does not signal the fence: it just removes thefence’s synchronization points from their respective timelines.
Userspace C++ Fence Wrapper
  • ./frameworks/native/libs/ui/Fence.cpp
  • ./frameworks/native/include/ui/Fence.h               
Userspace C Library
  • ./system/core/libsync/sync.c 
Kernel Software Timeline
  • ./linux/kernel/drivers/staging/android/sw_sync.h
  • ./linux/kernel/drivers/staging/android/sw_sync.c
  • ./external/kernel-headers/original/linux/sw_sync.h 
Kernel Fence Framework
  • ./external/kernel-headers/original/linux/sync.h
  • ./linux/kernel/drivers/staging/android/sync.h
  • ./linux/kernel/drivers/staging/android/sync.c



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